Hardship Withdrawals
Hardship Withdrawals approved for a single semester are not guaranteed in future semesters for students experiencing the same ongoing hardship conditions. Students should seek supportive measures through Counseling and Student Health, accommodations through the Access Office, or other campus resources to ensure they have the best supportive learning opportunity. Students experiencing pregnancy have the right to supportive accommodations under Title IX.
Hardship withdrawals will not be granted for reasons related to violations of the Student Code of Conduct or while a student is participating in a pending Student Conduct or Title IX process. Student Conduct and Title IX processes must first conclude before a withdrawal decision will made.
*Only in very rare instances will a partial withdrawal be considered, such as in cases where a student may not be able to complete a specific class because of a condition or injury that prohibits participation.
Hardship Withdrawal Process
AFTER THE DESIGNATED WITHDRAWAL DATE AND UNTIL THE LAST CLASS DAY OF THE COURSE- Students must initiate the withdrawal process by submitting the withdrawal application by midnight on the last class day of the term/session.
- A detailed written statement explaining the hardship and how it impacted the student's ability to successfully participate in their classes is required. The more specific the better.
- Students are strongly encouraged to contact their course instructors by email to notify them of their intentions to withdraw.
- Students must provide hardship documentation such as the following: for a death in the immediate family, a verifiable obituary; for a serious illness in the immediate family, documentation recommending withdrawal from a physician on the physician’s letterhead signed by the physician (documentation on a prescription pad is unacceptable); for homelessness, documentation of eviction or supportive resources; an unexpected workplace change, documentation from the employer on the company’s letterhead.
- The supporting documentation will be verified. If the documentation proves to be false, the University reserves the right to deny the request, to revoke the withdrawal, or to take conduct action against the student for falsification of information.
- Once the withdrawal application and supporting documentation have been verified a Withdrawals committee will review the entire application for medical withdrawal, supporting documentation, any additional student notes from professors and advisors, and consider the totality of the medical hardship along with any documented supportive resources and discussions that may have taken place with the student during the semester. A decision will be rendered based on this information.
- The student, the Academic Department Head, Advising, and the Registrar will receive notification of the status of their withdrawal application by email. Students approved for a withdrawal will be issued a grade of "W".
- The Withdrawal decision is only a decision on the outcome of the courses for the current semester. It does not guarantee enrollment in subsequent courses and the student should talk with their Advisor to evaluate their academic pathway and ensure future courses are in line with the requirements to complete the degree.
- In some clinical programs, the students receiving an approved withdrawal may subsequently be required to reapply to or appeal to continued admission/enrollment in the degree program even after the Hardship Withdrawal.
- In some clinical programs, the students receiving an approved withdrawal may subsequently be required to reapply to or appeal to continued admission/enrollment in the degree program even after the Hardship Withdrawal.
Students may not be able to initiate the withdrawal by midnight on the last class day of the term/session. If students believe they have a justifiable reason for submitting a Hardship Withdrawal after the deadline, they should include this explanation in the withdrawal application AND also upload a letter of support from a current professor or academic program department head with stated reasons why they would support the late withdrawal.
Students may also consider a Student Grade Appeal Form as an avenue for grade change after Final Grades have been posted.
Questions regarding the late withdrawal process should be directed to the Dean of Students Office (doso@valdosta.edu) or 229-333-5941.
Division of Student Affairs
Student Union
3rd Floor - Suite 3106
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5941
- Fax: 229.245.6481