Dear Biology Major:

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed below each year are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. A sample schedule is provided as a general guideline to help you build a schedule each term. Your courses must be selected with your advisor to satisfy all core curriculum and state, lab science, and multicultural requirements. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for the most current curriculum.

New for 2024:    INQR (3 hr) courses are replacing PERS courses.   

For a long-term schedule of Biology courses click here.

Year 1

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 1101 3
MATH 1112 OR 1113 3
HIST 2111 OR 2112 3
BIOL 1107 and 1107L 4
BIOL 1100 1
Total hours 14
Spring Hrs.
ENGL 1102 3
MATH 2261 4
BIOL 1108 and 1108L 4
POLS 1101 3
Total hours 16

Milestones: Math, Biology, and English require C or better. 2.0 GPA Complete BIOL 1107-BIOL 1108 Sequence.

Year 2

Fall Hrs.
BIOL 3200 3
CHEM 1211 AND 1211L 4
ENGL 2111, 2112, or 2113 3
AREA E Elective 3
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
BIOL 3250 4
CHEM 1212 and 1212 L 4
Upper-level Biology Elective 4
BIOL 1200 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Biology and Chemistry require C or better. 2.5 GPA, if less, consult academic advisor for other major options. If GPA is less than 2.75, student is no longer competitive for allied health programs, consult academic advisor for options.

Year 3

Fall Hrs.
Upper-level Biology Elective 4
Upper-level MATH or Science Elective* 3
MCL 1001 or 1002 3
Area E elective 3
General Elective 2
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
Upper-level Biology Elective 4
MCL 1002 or 2001 3
Upper-level MATH or Science Elective* 3
General Electives 5
Total hours 15

Milestones: Biology, Science, and Math require "C" or better. GPA 3.0 minimum. Schedule and take GRE, etc. *Note: If you declared this degree in fall 2021 or after then this will read "Upper-level elective". The requirement for math or science courses has been changed effective fall 2021.

Year 4

Fall Hrs.
Upper-level Biology elective 4
MCL 2001 or 2002 3
Upper-level Electives 9
Total hours 16
Spring Hrs.
BIOL 4900 1
MCL 2002 or above 3
General Electives 10
Total hours 14

Milestones: Biology requires "C" or better. GPA 3.0 minimum. Submit applications to professional/grad schools. Graduate and celebrate that you have a STEM degree.