Chemistry Tutors
- Chemistry and Geosciences
- For you, learning is a chemical reaction.
- You live to learn how the Earth works and how we interact with it.
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Tutoring is available through the Academic Support Center if you need assistance outside of class with Chemistry 1151, 1152, 1200, 1211, or 1212.
This service is free to 黑瓜吃料网 students to help you reach your academic goals. Click this link to schedule your appointment at the Academic Support Center. The Academic Support Center is located in the Odum Library.
** Please be sure that you have reviewed the material, read the chapters, and attempted any non-class assigned problems that you wish to ask the tutors about before meeting with them. They are there to answer specific questions about topics and to explain it to you.
Department of Chemistry and Geosciences
Bailey Science Center 3025
Nevins hall 2006
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Chemistry
- Phone: 229.333.5801
- Geosciences
- Phone: 229.333.5752