Study Abroad & International Opportunities
For Students
The College of the Arts encourages students to participate in study abroad and international opportunities to enrich their time here at ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø. Studying Abroad not only affords students the chance to travel, but also to immerse themselves in the culture by living and learning abroad. Whether you're looking to study abroad during the Fall, Spring or Summer term, we have something for everyone!
You can gain college credit while living in magnificent locations like Italy, Poland, New Zealand, Australia or Ireland. Check out the pages below for more information about our international study abroad opportunities.
The European Council
The (EC) is one of five regional councils operating under the auspices of the System Council for International Education of the University System of Georgia (USG). The EC seeks to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the cultures and societies of Europe by sponsoring programs and activities for the University System of Georgia's students, faculty and institutions. The EC sponsors summer study abroad programs for USG students and transients at seven locations in Europe that last 2-5 weeks. Courses are taught largely by faculty from USG colleges and universities and students blend classroom experiences with group and individual travel as they earn academic credit at their home institution. Please visit the website for more information about how to travel to Berlin Germany, Edinburgh Scotland, London England, Madrid Spain, St. Petersburg Russia, Paris France, and Waterford Ireland. The EC site provides information for faculty, students, parents, FAQs, blogs, grants and scholarship information, and more; find the EC on too!
The Asia Council
The Asia Council seeks to promote scholarship, research, and direct experience for the students and faculty of the University System of Georgia through opportunities to study and teach abroad, and through sponsorship of events which highlight "Asia" in Georgia. Asia is an important area of the world in terms of population, economics, politics, and culture. This is a region that has become more important for the United States in the recent decades because of its prominence in the global economy. In addition, we recognize the humanistic, artistic and scientific contributions of Asian societies to world civilization, and the contribution that Asian immigrants have made in the development of the United States.
Study abroad is a valuable addition to your education. Students and faculty within the College of the Arts participate in a wide range of Study Abroad and International Opportunities in many countries around the world.
- New Zealand/Australia - Department of Communication Arts
- Poland - Department of Art & Design
- Ireland - Communication Arts and Honors
Learn more about the value of an international experience
For Faculty
ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø Faculty don't have to stay stateside! Faculty members have the opportunity to live and teach abroad in a number of desirable countries.
CoA faculty members seeking to develop a new international experience or study abroad program, or continue an already established program, should communicate with his/her Department Head to discuss your international ideas, and meet with the College of the Arts Global Engagement Committee (GEC) before initiating the process with the Center for International Programs (CIP) office. Plans should be included in the Annual Faculty Activity Report and Action Plan, and align with Departmental curriculum planning and course scheduling. This inclusive and strategic approach is designed to take advantage of potential interdisciplinary collaboration and to ensure that all CoA programs are planned and reviewed, in order to move forward to receive support and funding well in advance of the event.
For more information and to download the CoA Global Experience Concept Proposal form click the 'GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR COA FACULTY' link below.
The Center for International Programs provides central coordination for the University’s comprehensive range of services and activities in the area of international education. Campus-wide committees, open to all faculty and staff members, work with the Center for International Programs to achieve the following objectives:
To search for other study abroad programs offered at ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø, click .
Or if you're ready to apply for any of the ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø study abroad programs, click here.
Center for International Programs information:
- Dr. Michael Savoie, Dean of University College; or Irina McClellan, Assistant Director
- ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø International Programs Team
- 229.333.7410
College of the Arts Global Engagement Committee (GEC)
- Mark Borzi, Communication Arts Faculty:
- Chia-Ling Ho, Communication Arts Faculty:
- Irina McClellan, Center for International Programs:
- Talley Mulligan, Mass Media Faculty:
- Kyoung-Im Park, Art & Design Faculty:
- Joshua Pifer, Music Faculty:
- Michael Schmidt, Interim Dean:
The College of the Arts Global Engagement Committee (GEC) created a process to coordinate the development of international and study abroad programs within the CoA, which includes department heads, the COA Dean’s office, the COA GEC, and the Center for International Programs (CIP) throughout the concept, planning and development of potential international experiences and programs. This inclusive and strategic approach is designed to take advantage of potential interdisciplinary collaboration and to ensure that all CoA programs are planned and reviewed, in order to move forward to receive support and funding well in advance of the event.
The CoA GEC developed a concept proposal form to assist in the developmental process of a global experience or study abroad program. The CoA Global Experience Concept Proposal form is for internal CoA assistance, planning and development purposes, although going through this process will help the faculty member begin the formal proposal process required by the CIP. The form will be routed to the Department Head, CoA Dean and the GEC to see where potential might exist for collaboration and coordination. This process will allow the GEC/CoA to know, for example, if more than one faculty member is interested in the same location, or if the focus of two programs overlap, or if new programs being developed need initial/additional support. The CoA form should be filled out and submitted to the GEC at least 3 semesters in advance of when the program is to take place. This means that faculty planning programs for summer 2019 should be communicating with their department heads and submit the completed form and support materials to the GEC by:
- CoA Global Experience Concept Proposal (pdf)
- Submit Summer 2024 SA Proposals to the COA Dean's Office Now!
The GEC can help faculty navigate the process of developing and formally proposing new study abroad programs and ensure the continued success of existing programs. The GEC is charged with finding ways to allow students to engage new cultures and ideas here at home by sponsoring visiting international scholars and using technology and other resources to bring a more global perspective into our classrooms.
Additional International Opportunities, Resources & Links:
- Faculty Internationalization Fund International Sponsorship to present at international conferences, exhibits, teach and conduct research abroad.
- Louie A. Brown Visiting International Scholar Awards program
- Hosting a Visiting Scholar
- Additional International Faculty Resources
College of the Arts
ºÚ¹Ï³ÔÁÏÍø College of the Arts
Fine Arts Building
1500 N. Patterson
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5832
- Fax: 229.245.3799