Individual / Personal Counseling

To make an appointment, call 229-333-5940. If you have never been in before, allow an hour for the first appointment. You can complete the new client paperwork before you arrive via the student health portal. A couple of additional forms will require completion upon your arrival, and then you will meet with the counselor.
The philosophy of the Counseling Center is based on a holistic approach to individual growth and development. Our primary emphasis is on relatively short term counseling and therapy designed to meet an individual's personal, social, and educational concerns. Our goal is to help each person develop fully and get the most from their college experience.
People seek counseling for a variety of reasons, including stress, depression, anxiety, grief, family and relationship issues, physical or sexual abuse, academic difficulties, substance dependence, and identity concerns.
Any issues that cause you concern are appropriate to discuss in counseling.
About Confidentiality
All written and verbal information you give is confidential within the Center. Information will not be released outside the Center without your written consent, except when required by law - i.e., reasonable suspicion of current child or elder abuse, imminent danger to self or others. Your Counseling Center records are NOT part of your academic or administrative records. Further, the identity of those who use the Counseling Center is also regarded as confidential.
Initial Appointment
During your first appointment, you will be invited to discuss your concerns and goals. Together you and the counselor will determine what services will be most effective for you. If the Center is unable to provide the type of service you need, you will be referred to the appropriate outside agency.
Counseling Appointments
Ongoing counseling appointments are 45 minutes in duration and scheduled on a recurring basis as determined by the student and their Therapist. As a courtesy to the staff and other students, 24 hour notice of appointment cancellation or rescheduling is required. Failure to cancel or reschedule in this timeframe will result in no-show charges of $15. You have the right to discontinue counseling at any time; however, we request that you advise your counselor of your intentions, so that other appropriate resources may be suggested.
A Last Word
Because we are counseling professionals, we strive to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards. If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment at the Center, please bring these issues to the attention of your counselor or another staff member.
To refer a student for counseling, click here.
The Counseling Center
- Student Health Center, 2nd Floor 1500 N. Patterson St. Valdosta, Georgia 31698
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5940
- Fax: 229.253.4113
Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-5:30pm
Friday, 8:00am-3:00pm